Rachael Massingham attempts double marathon challenge for Cancer Research UK

The team at Artington Legal would like to wish Rachael Massingham good luck in her double marathon challenge.

Rachael, consultant commercial real estate solicitor at Artington Legal, has been training hard in preparation to run two marathons in a week to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Having run marathons before, Rachael has decided to up her game this year and will be running the Boston Marathon on 17 April, then jetting back to the UK to run the London Marathon on 23 April.

Funds raised by Rachael’s tremendous efforts will go to supporting the work of Cancer Research UK, a charity dedicated to finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer to save lives. Rachael hopes that her efforts will help Cancer Research UK achieve its ambition to see three in four people survive cancer by 2034.

Rachael said, “I continue to support Cancer Research UK and hope that together we can unite and create a force that cancer cannot ignore to help fund life-saving research. I have upped my game this year and am attempting two marathons in a week and will run both of them in honour of the survivors, the fighters and those who have lost their lives to it.  One marathon is tough enough so this will definitely be the biggest challenge I have taken on so please help support me and join the fight against cancer.”


Click here to support Rachael and Cancer Research UK.
Rachael Massingham attempts double marathon challenge for Cancer Research UK

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