Criminal Barrister joins the team

Please join us in welcoming Tanya Woolls to the Artington Legal team!

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Tanya was formerly a tenant of Furnival Chambers, London. She was Principal Crown Counsel for the Organised Crime Division of the CPS from 2006 to December 2013.

Previously her work has involved prosecuting trials brought by the Serious Organised Crime Agency as Leading Counsel.

Tanya has 24 years of experience and her involvement at Artington Legal will be advising on a range of criminal issues, including fraud, anti-money laundering and white collar crime.

Tanya has regularly lectured on complex and organised crime disclosure and expert evidence.

Outside work, Tanya continues to be busy with four children and she enjoys travelling.

For further information or to contact Tanya directly, please email her at [email protected].

Criminal Barrister joins the team

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